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Podcast #123 - New Segments (News and Game Review)
14. April 2022
We talk about the Metaverse, unfinished released games, and Risk of Rain 2!
Podcast #122 - Creator PC Series (Ft. Andy)
07. April 2022
This week on the podcast, we introduce our new Creator PC Series! We also talk about how Ivan has a folder just filled with pictures of Andy...
Update der Function Tastatur und Lift Maus
04. April 2022
My Gaming PC Building Adventure
02. April 2022
Podcast #121 - NZXT H-AND
01. April 2022
This week, we talk about our newly announced NZXT H-AND - our new portable gaming PC!
Podcast #120 - Andy Johnston (Keyboards, Mice, Mousepads)
24. März 2022
We talk about our newly launched Keyboards, Mice, and Mousepads! Also, CLEAN YOUR MOUSEPADS. PLEASE. WE'RE BEGGING.
Herzlich willkommen in der NZXT-Familie: Function und Lift
15. März 2022
Vorstellung des neuen H1
08. Februar 2022
Podcast #119 - Denis Baquedano
13. Jänner 2022
This week, Denis has a special announcement and we reminisce about the last two years at NZXT.
Podcast #118 - New Year, New You
06. Jänner 2022
We discuss tamales, video games, and CES 2022!
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