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Introducing New Starter and Streaming PCs from NZXT BLD
17. Juli 2019
Welcome to better gaming
NZXT Announces the H510 Elite Compact Premium Mid-Tower ATX Case
27. Mai 2019
Gorgeous RGB Builds From a Whole New Angle
NZXT Releases H500 Vault Boy from its Shelter
16. April 2019
Revolutionizing PC Cases for an Uncertain Future with CRFT 04
Surround Your Monitor in a World of Light
19. März 2019
The new HUE 2 RGB Ambient Lighting Kit from NZXT provides total RGB immersion for PC Gamers
Introducing the First Overwatch®-themed PC Chassis
19. Februar 2019
Experience Tranquility When Building Your Next PC
See Your Battlestation In A Whole New Light
12. Februar 2019
New HUE 2 LED Strips from NZXT delivers the broadest line of RGB lighting accessories for PC
21. August 2018
10 new products in the new HUE 2 RGB family from NZXT deliver the broadest line of RGB lighting accessories for PC Builders
NZXT Announces H700 Nuka-Cola, the Ultimate Fallout-Themed PC Case
08. August 2018
Zap your thirst for Nuka-Cola with the refreshing CRFT 02
NZXT, Inc. announces the acquisition of Forge, Inc.
31. Juli 2018
NZXT significantly bolsters its software team and positions itself for future products
Introducing CRFT by NZXTCustom Crafted Limited Edition Gaming ProductsView more
24. Juli 2018
Custom Crafted Limited Edition Gaming Products
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